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So far wtang@rapidnovor.com has created 10 blog entries.

February 2025

Mass Spectrometry Testing in Multiple Myeloma

2025-02-18T14:47:53-05:00February 11th, 2025|Articles|

Introduction In this article, we introduce mass spectrometry testing as a new and promising technology for blood-based MRD in multiple myeloma.  We will discuss the two different mass spectrometry methods currently available and highlight their benefits and limitations. Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell disorder caused by the buildup of myeloma cells [...]

M-spike and Multiple Myeloma

2025-02-18T14:49:47-05:00February 5th, 2025|Articles|

Introduction In this article, we revisit the M-spike protein and its importance as a biomarker in multiple myeloma. The introduction and use of novel and powerful treatment options have significantly improved the outcomes for multiple myeloma patients.  With response rates close to 100%, clinicians are looking for better tools for monitoring minimal [...]

November 2024

Comparison of EasyM Clonotypic Mass Spectrometry and EuroFlow MRD in Multiple Myeloma

2025-02-18T16:57:33-05:00November 7th, 2024|Publication|

Introduction In this case study, we summarize a retrospective comparison of EasyM and Euroflow NGF for MRD in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.  Minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity is a critical measure of therapeutic response in multiple myeloma (MM) and is strongly associated with improved progression-free and overall survival. The IMWG (International [...]

May 2024

Rapid Novor Teams Up with PMCC to Evaluate EasyM™ for Multiple Myeloma Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring

2025-02-11T16:24:47-05:00May 14th, 2024|News|

May 14, 2024 A Canadian Multiple Myeloma (MM) clinical trial sponsored by Rapid Novor, has enrolled its first patient in partnership with Princess Margaret Cancer Center (PMCC) in Toronto. This is the first Canadian prospective clinical study aiming to evaluate the EasyM™ assay (mass spectrometry measurement of a myeloma biomarker) for disease response in [...]

December 2023

Novel Assay for Quantification of Free Light Chain (FLC) Dimers in Serum of Patients with Plasma Cell Dyscrasias

2025-02-19T15:32:29-05:00December 17th, 2023|Poster|

Introduction Free light chains (FLCs) are a well-established biomarker of plasma cell dyscrasias. FLCs exist as monomers, dimers and oligomers. Lambda FLC is particularly prone to form dimers and oligomers. Under certain pathological conditions, such as in AL amyloidosis and multiple myeloma (MM), high levels of FLC dimers can be found even [...]

Measurable Residual Disease Status By Clonotypic Mass Spectrometry with EasyM Assay Predicts Outcomes Following AHCT in Multiple Myeloma

2025-02-19T14:30:19-05:00December 15th, 2023|Poster|

Introduction Bone marrow (BM)-based minimal residual disease (MRD) has been established as one of the most important dynamic prognostic markers in multiple myeloma (MM). However, the necessity of bone marrow biopsies limits the feasibility of frequent MRD monitoring. Consequently, there is an urgent unmet need for peripheral blood-based MRD testing for serial [...]

March 2023

Rapid Novor’s Blood Test for Multiple Myeloma Monitoring is CLIA Certified for Clinical Use in the US

2025-02-11T16:25:14-05:00March 16th, 2023|News|

March 16, 2023 Rapid Novor Inc., the world’s leader in mass spectrometry (MS)-based antibody protein sequencing, announced today that its diagnostic laboratory obtained the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification for their EasyM™ assay as a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT). EasyM™ is the world’s first personalized blood test for Multiple Myeloma to receive such [...]

December 2022

Clonotypic Mass Spectrometry with EasyM Assay for Detection of Measurable Residual Disease in Multiple Myeloma

2025-02-19T14:49:14-05:00December 17th, 2022|Poster|

Introduction The presence of minimal residual disease (MRD) is an important prognostic factor for multiple myeloma. However, MRD tests in current clinical use require bone marrow (BM) samples that are uncomfortable, expensive, and time-consuming for patients. BM-based assays are also limited by sampling of a single location within the marrow, which may [...]

September 2021

A Personalized Mass Spectrometry–Based Assay to Monitor M-Protein in Patients with Multiple Myeloma (EasyM)

2025-02-18T16:57:57-05:00September 15th, 2021|Publication|

Mariya Liyasova, Zac McDonald, Paul Taylor, Kathleen Gorospe, Xin Xu, Chenyu Yao, Qixin Liu, Liqiang Yang, Eshetu G Atenafu, Giovanni Piza, Bin Ma, Donna Reece, Suzanne Trudel  DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-0649 Publication Summary M-protein is a well-established biomarker used for multiple myeloma monitoring.  Current improvements in multiple myeloma treatment created the need to monitor minimal residual disease (MRD) with high sensitivity. Measuring residual levels of [...]

August 2021

Mass Spectrometry Provides a Highly Sensitive Noninvasive Means of Sequencing and Tracking M-Protein in the Blood of Multiple Myeloma Patients

2025-02-18T16:58:19-05:00August 6th, 2021|Publication|

Zac McDonald, Paul Taylor, Mariya Liyasova, Qixin Liu, Bin Ma DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c01022 Publication Summary The amino acid sequence of the M-protein for multiple myeloma is unique compared to the polyclonal antibodies in patients’ blood. This uniqueness is exploited to develop an ultrasensitive M-protein detection method utilizing mass spectrometry (MS). This study demonstrates [...]

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