Multiple Myeloma Blood Test for MRD Monitoring.

What is EasyM™ ?

EasyM™ is an ultrasensitive, non-invasive blood test to monitor minimal residual disease (MRD) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM).

EasyM uses clonotypic peptides mass spectrometry to track M-protein (monoclonal protein) in peripheral blood to extremely low levels, offering patients a easier and non-invasive alternative to track MRD during complete response (CR).

See how EasyM™ Works

Higher Sensitivity Myeloma Blood Test


EasyM is 1000 times more sensitive than serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) and 200 times more sensitive than immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE), the most commonly ordered M-protein tests for multiple myeloma.

In studies, EasyM detected M-protein in 79% of samples that were MRD-negative by NGS and in 53% of MRD-negative samples by NGF at the 10-5 threshold.* 1,2

100% Specificity



The clonotypic peptides mass spectrometry method allows for the precise identification and tracking of the patient’s M-protein.

It does this without interference from new therapeutic monoclonal antibodies or from the polyclonal background.

Non-Invasive Myeloma Test


Unlike other MRD tests, EasyM testing does not need a bone marrow biopsy and can be done through a simple blood draw.

This allows for more regular checks and better monitoring of myeloma protein in the blood even while in CR. It also helps doctors to detect early signs of a possible myeloma relapse.

*Preliminary results based on interim data, are subject to change.

Track M-Protein into CR

Track M-protein into CR

M-Protein Doubling Precedes Relapse3

M-protein doubling precedes relapse.

PR: Partial Response; VGPR: Very Good Partial Response; CR: Complete Response; PD: Progressive Disease
PI: Diagnostic sample measured by EasyM for sequence determination
S: Screening sample taken immediately following bortezomib induction
D100 and M6-M72: Time post-ASCT

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Additional Information

I am a Clinician.

Learn about the benefits of the EasyM clonotypic peptides mass spectrometry test for MRD monitoring in multiple myeloma.

See how it can be useful in your clinical practice.

I am a Patient.

Explore our vision to bring convenient, blood-based MRD monitoring to patients living with multiple myeloma.

I am from Industry.

Consider including EasyM™ for improved disease monitoring in MRD-guided clinical trials.

Include patients with extramedullary disease and obtain additional timepoints with blood-based testing.

For clinicians
for patients
For Industry

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1. Slade M, et al. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 4376–4377.
2. Zhao J, et al. Haematologica 2024 doi: 10.3324/haematol.2024.285933
3. Liyasova M, et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Sep 15;27(18):5028-5037.